My Birthday @ Mass MOCA

Ever try to plan a birthday for a winter baby? I think we can all agree that winter birthdays are really limited in where we can celebrate. Typically it’s too cold to go outside or it’s snowing and most people in the winter just want to stay home and snuggle. While I’m pretty fine doing just that, this year I needed something a bit different. I’ve felt so far removed from seeing art in person so my partner and I decided to take a road trip to Mass MOCA to see James Turrell’s exhibition, Into The Light!

In most areas of the museum we were not allowed to take photos so we snuck what we could and all the rest of our photos are of Mass Moca’s walls… weird, I know but stay with me. Mass Moca is located in downtown North Adams, MA. The building was converted from an old electric factory into the museum in 1986 (the year of my birth!), which as you can imagine has some really beautiful old paint markings. I highly suggest reading about the history of their building here.

I absolutely love old buildings. They hold so much energy and history. And what’s fun about this space is that you can see where old walls and windows used to be - they don’t try to hide it. The building itself is a work of art.